Confidence is, put simply, our trust in ourselves and our qualities and abilities - including the ability to get things done. That means that one of the many things that can affect our confidence is our self-discipline.
Self-doubting questions like "did I do the right thing?" are common when we second-guess ourselves. Luckily there's a simple way to make them constructive.
Recently I was asked about how to overcome setbacks while we're improving our confidence, and I figured I'd share my answer with you guys.
Most people don't know that there are two more zones outside of our comfort zone. When we know what they are, leaving our comfort zone becomes much easier.
Do you let other people’s opinions about you and what you do impact you in negative ways? If so, whose opinions do you let influence you?
One of the most common, self-esteem limiting, concerns my coaching clients often have, is whether they deserve the things they want. The answer is simple.
These three simple tips for feeling better about yourself will fit into basically any schedule, and are so simple that anyone can do them.
Self-criticism only helps us make ourselves feel bad. Self-correction, however, can be a fun and exciting tool for growth and better results.
Do you ever worry about your own performance or results in any area of your life? Does it sometimes keep you from starting or finishing anything important? There's a solution!
Performance anxiety can affect us in situations ranging from sports and entertainment to going on dates, job interviews, and more. Luckily, we can fix it!
There are many strategies and techniques meant to help you improve your self-image, and those who work all have one thing in common. Let's talk about that.
Do you have people in your life who disappoint, frustrate, or annoy you on a regular basis? Would you like to know a simple strategy for how to stop it?
Do you ever get stuck on decisions that really shouldn't be that hard to make? If so, good news, I have a very simple technique for you that will help!
I can't tell you how many times this technique has helped me go from not feeling like doing any work, to being super productive - in 15 minutes or less.
Being aware of your own mental state before you make a choice will enable you to make better choices and have a stronger integrity. Let's talk about how.
When I say self-discipline, what comes to mind? Does it have to do with forcing yourself to do things you don’t want to do? There's a better way!
Did you know that those who truly enjoy their personal development journey succeed faster than those who don't? Let's take a look at why, and how to do it.
Many believe that in order to do something that we're afraid of, we first have to become unafraid. But there's a better way, that's a lot easier.
For a lot of people, asking for what they want can be challenging. Luckily there's a simple way to get better at it. Let's explore it!
Your self-image is how you see yourself, and it greatly influences your confidence, self-esteem, and overall happiness. Let's talk about what improves it.
Want to know how to turn your excuses into an advantage rather than let them hold you back? Let me give you a simple way to do that.
How many times have you meant to do something but never really gotten around to it? It turns out that starting something before we're ready to will often get us better results than to wait for the right moment.